10/09/2015 news Boeing highlights the need for more women pilots in latest Pilot forecast Boeing has reported that over the next 20 years the Asia Pacific region will have the greatest demand for commercial airline pilots
08/09/2015 news CAE announces airline training contracts worth C$130m CAE has announced a series of training contracts with airlines and aircraft manufacturers valued at more than C$130m
04/09/2015 news Stapleford launches Integrated Pilot Training Courses Stapleford gains approval to run Integrated Pilot Training Courses
02/09/2015 news EASA to introduce mandatory Upset Prevention and Recovery training to ATPL/MPL EASA has published a proposal for new rules on pilot training which covers the topic of Loss of Control In-flight
02/09/2015 news CTC Aviation to host Careers Event on 26 September CTC Aviation is offering those interested in a career as an airline pilot the chance to visit their training facilities, meet their team, train...
01/09/2015 news Kura celebrates eight airline offers for graduates Graduates of Kura’s BESTPILOT programme are celebrating achieving their dreams after successfully passing airline selections last week, the company...
01/09/2015 news New Aviation Apprenticeship standards approved The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has approved three new apprenticeship standards in the aviation industry
01/09/2015 news Aer Lingus fully-sponsored cadet scheme open for applications Aer Lingus has launched its fully-sponsored 2016 Cadet Pilot Training Programme.
26/08/2015 news BA CityFlyer accepting Direct Entry applications for First Officer positions Applications are now being accepted for valid EASA ATPL or Part-FCL ATPL (full or frozen) holders to apply for a First Officer position with BA CityFl...
25/08/2015 news FAA ‘remains years away’ from creating pilot records database The FAA has not created a database to track poor-performing airline pilots, five years after Congress mandated it, a government report has stated.
24/08/2015 news Pan Am approved to provide ATP-CTP training Pan Am International Flight Academy has been approved by the FAA to conduct the Airline Transport Pilot Certification Training Program
24/08/2015 news Helicentre Aviation launches Cabri G2 Flight Instructor Programme Helicentre Aviation Academy has launched a brand new EASA helicopter Flight Instructor (FI) programme