FTA student Chloe studying for the ATPL exams. Photos: FTA Global
Shoreham-based flight school FTA Global will launch a new advanced modular pilot training package in January 2021.
It consists of a Multi-Engine Piston Rating (MEP), Instrument Rating (ME IR) and Commercial Pilot’s Licence (ME CPL). By increasing the number of classes they run, FTA has also opened up additional availability for the extended ATPL Theory course.
The new courses comes on top of strong results in recent ATPL exams depsite the Covid-19 pandemic and changes in the ways students and instructors interact.
In January this year (2020), FTA introduced changes to its theoretical instruction, extending the time allocated from six to nine months, with more time built in for subject consolidation, exam preparation and revision.
“The changes have proved a resounding success evidenced by the most recent exams, with a first-time pass rate of 97% and an average exam score of 90%,” said the company.
Both staff and students were consulted on the changes which have been positively received. Students will be welcomed back to campus in October and will work in smaller class sizes so that social distancing can be enforced.
Sean Jacob, FTA’s MD, explained, “There is no genuine substitute for the traditional classroom environment. Whilst it has proved incredibly effective to deliver the training online, our instructors and students are very excited to be returning to the classroom and to a greater level of normality.
“We are very proud of the determination and resilience displayed by all our students throughout these challenging times and congratulate them all on their excellent achievements.”
Some comments by students:
“FTA has held their own during these unsettling times and have kept the ball rolling despite it being a monumental task which is a great achievement.” – Lewis
“Not only are the instructors keeping us motivated, but they’re also ensuring that we are still receiving the highest level of teaching.” – Freddie