A full time ground school for commercial pilot training has been recently established in Fife. Pathway Pilot Training, located at Rosyth Europarc, is staffed by four theoretical knowledge experts to provide Air Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) courses.
All four previously worked with a long established firm that withdrew from the sector to concentrate on aircraft engineering training.
Students include potential commercial pilots, or current commercial pilots wishing to convert their overseas licence into an European Aviation Safety Agency ATPL.
The training team is made up of mainly ex-pilot ground instructors, who work closely with several quality EU flight schools.
Pathway’s Herb Sutcliffe from Balmullo, a former RAF Squadron Leader, instructor, and fast jet pilot, said demand for staff is picking up in the commercial aircraft field, and the team saw a real future in maintaining a ground school in Scotland.
“We cater for people who already hold a Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL) and now want a career as an airline pilot. The team provides the first step through the costly and bewildering maze of training options available en route to a full EU commercial pilots’ licence.
“PPL holders need to pass all 14 ATPL Theoretical Knowledge exams to qualify to start any modular commercial pilot flying training in Europe.
“We give the in-depth theoretical knowledge necessary to pass these exams in an intensive 6-month residential course, with a distance learning option also available over 12 months.
“During the course, we can also assess individual needs and suggest the best high quality, but good value flight training school locally or in Europe for all-important flight training” said Herb.