Pilot Careers Live London in numbers

L3 pod

L3 CTS’s PoDD, a VR flight simulator on their stand, proved extremely popular with the crowd all keen to test their take off, fly and landing skills!


The latest Pilot Careers Live event held at London Heathrow on Saturday 14 April was a huge success with attendance up by an incredible 69% on the same event the previous year.

For 87% of the visitors, it was their first time at the show. As you might expect, the visitors were mostly approaching school leaving age – 66% were aged 16-19.

Exhibitors were also pleased with the attendance and response they had, with many on their feet all day giving advice to would-be airline pilots.

The next Pilot Careers Live events can be found here.


PCL London Infographic

Pilot Careers Live London April 2018 infographic