Saudi Arabian flight school OxfordSaudia Flight Academy has ordered two Level 5 Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTD) from Diamond Aircraft Austria.
The two FSTDs will be configured as DA40 NG and DA42-VI aircraft and will be located in the flight academy’s centre at King Fahad International Airport.
The new FSTDs will enable OxfordSaudia to meet growing demand for flight training, not just within the Kingdom buit also worldwide.
Cockpit of the simulator is equipped with the same avionics and instruments as installed in the DA40 and DA42.
“It was important to choose devices that offer the highest degree of realism in order to maximise the efficiency of the training in a state-of-the-art programme,” said Captain Larry Wade, CEO of OxfordSaudia.
“We want only the best for our students in every area of the training program and the choice of flight simulators for OxfordSaudia Flight Academy had to match our philosophy for selection of our training partners, staffing and equipment.”

Some of OxfordSaudi’s fleet of Diamond aircraft. Photos: Diamond Aircraft
Jane Wang, Sales Director of Diamond Aircraft Austria, added, “This order represents our continuous relationship with our valued customer OxfordSaudia that has made one of the largest aircraft purchase agreements of 60 Diamond aircraft back in 2018.”
OxfordSaudia Flight Academy is equipped with a brand new fleet of 60 DA40 NG and DA42-VI aircraft and with 4 FTD Diamond Simulators to ensure training is as per the latest technologies and training methodologies.