The Youth Aviation Day is an annual event which brings together young people from many different backgrounds and organisations, including: the scouts, air cadets, fire cadets, police cadets, army cadets and more. It’s being held this year on 4 June.
The event is staged at The Gliding Centre, Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire and features many exciting activities including: a climbing wall, balloons, hovercraft, model jets, helicopters, aircraft, and simulators.
There is also a range of display teams participating in an airshow including the BBMF Lancaster, Red Arrows, Lauren Richardson, AeroSPARX, Gliderfx, and gliding activity.
Aviation Skills Partnership (ASP) is pleased to be supporting the event this year. ASP are an organisation devoted to helping young people from all backgrounds acquire the qualifications and experience they need to start a career in any aspect of the aviation industry.